Sunday, September 23, 2012

Paul Ryan: just what Romney needs!

n my last column, one of the points I made was that Mitt Romney  would need a strong conservative running mate to counter the liberal BS. The day after I wrote my column, Paul Ryan was announced as the VP pick for Mitt Romney. I didn’t know much about Ryan, but after reading more about him I like what I have found.
First of all, he is a grassroots Conservative who understands the values of The Constitution as it was written by our Founding Fathers. He understands that big government is the problem and that government reduction is the solution.
Ryan is also well-known for working to reduce government spending. He has made it clear that fiscal responsibility is one of his top priorities. In fact, Ryan’s fiscal responsibility policy has even impressed individuals on the far left, such as Bill Clinton’s Chief of Staff Erskine Bowles who is also the head of Obama’s deficit reduction commission. Here’s what he had to say about Paul Ryan
Have any of you all met Paul Ryan? We should get him to come to the university. I’m telling you, this
guy is amazing. I always thought I was okay at arithmetic, this guy can run circles around me. And he is honest, he is straightforward, he is sincere. And the budget he came forward with is just like Paul Ryan. It is a sensible, straightforward, honest, serious budget, and it cut the budget deficit, just like we did, by $4 trillion. The president came out with his own plan. And, the president as you remember, came out with a budget. And I don’t think anybody took that budget very seriously. The Senate voted against it 97-to-nothing. 
This is a case of a man who may not like Ryan,but respects him and appreciates Ryan’s knowledge on fiscal budgets.
The thing that I most admire about Ryan, is his ability to stand at the mainstream media and other liberal scumbags who have lied and cheated in order to destroy him and Romney. He is not mean about it, but still calls them out on their crap. An example of this is when he dismissed two hecklers at the Iowa State fair. He didn’t yell at them, but rather pointed out their ignorance and unruly behavior.
The Obama campaign came out with an attack ad which stated that “Ryan is too conservative”. Several newspapers including The Denver Post,  stated that “Romney picked a radical choice”.
The left is afraid of Paul Ryan! There is no denying it.

I used to fear that Romney would lose the election. I was praying that Romney’s VP would be a strong grassroots Tea Party Conservative. My prayers were answered with Paul Ryan! I am now confident that Romney can win the election. The election won’t be easy to win, but Romney can win with Ryan at his side. We will take back The White House!

Conservative 2.0: social media’s effect on the conservative movement and why it is so critical to everything we do!

Last Sunday evening I had the opportunity to speak with Tamara Jackson on my radio show. Tamara is an active blogger and user of social media networks for the Conservative Cause. Her website is read by hundreds of conservatives on a daily basis. ( She is an avid tweeter and Facebook user. She encourages all those in the conservative movement to engage in social media actively. Since early 2010, I have been spreading the exact same message. For the Conservatives to win, it is critical that we use social media to our advantage. Social media consists of multiple elements such as blogs, podcasts, Twitter,  Facebook, etc.
You may be reading this and asking yourself “why is social media so important as a conservative?” This is a question that many people have asked me over the years and I believe I have finally formulated a definite answer.
In 2008, Barack Obama’s campaign launched one of the most  effective strategies to win an election… They used social media. The Obama’s campaign launched their own social network for supporters to be involved and connect with each other. Barack Obama also had an active Facebook account and was receiving fans daily. Twitter also played a major part in winning the 2008 election. Meanwhile Sen. John McCain’s campaign was lagging behind in the social media craze. The campaign was still sending out letters by mail, making boring campaign calls, and spending way too much money on television advertising which people skip through anyway. John McCain’s campaign was outdated and ineffective. Can simply failed to connect with  people in the technology demographic, and therefore lost the election.
In 2009, Conservatives got smart! Not only was the tea party  successful in driving the conservative movement, the Conservatives also took over social media. Ordinary everyday conservatives suddenly became well-known bloggers and journalists, Conservative home-grown radio shows were taking over the podcastsphere. Even teenage conservatives such as myself have become feared among the liberal establishment and we’re not going anywhere. This my friends, is what I call the Conservative 2.o Movement. People now trust the independent voice of conservative 2.0  to get their news and more importantly the truth. The mainstream media hates us. They hate us because they know we are more effective than they are. And they have tried to destroy bloggers such as Andrew Brietbart, Matt Drudge, my friend Hugh Hewitt and others. They have not and will not succeed. Viewership of mainstream news networks such as CBS, ABC, and NBC, has dropped to an all-time low.
Bottom line, The Conservative 2.o Movement is here and we are more powerful and more journalistic than the #MSM (mainstream media) which has been hijacked by the radical left, ever will be!