Saturday, February 23, 2013

How the left's lack of common sense is driving me insane!

By on 10:25 PM

Also on Cowger Nation.

Folks we all know how the liberal mainstream media can make a horror story out of nothing or something absurd. They have done this long before I was born but I never thought I'd see them be this stupid. Last week when Marco Rubio was giving his thoughts on the state of the Union address, he took a sip from a bottle of water. I drink water all the time on my radio show as I know Caiden Cowger and Jayson Velley do the same as well. Drinking water is an everyday thing. I was shocked when I was reading the headline news on my iPad the following morning. Most of the headlines I saw were not about the state of the union at all, but rather about how Marco Rubio took a sip of water in the middle of his speech. The media accused him of having "dry mouth" and lying about his views. Wolf Blitzer was practically orgasmic about it on CNN (or as I call it "Communist News Network"). Is the media this board that they have to make a story about a water bottle? The MSM has been making stories out of nothing for years but this is an all time
low for them.

Also in the news, a third-grade student was suspended from school for throwing imaginary hand grenades at imaginary terrorists. The liberal Nazi teachers explained that it's against school policy to use weapons of any kind even if they're imaginary. Lets apply some common sense to this situation shall we? The kid is a third-grade boy. Third-grade boys like to pretend that they're killing imaginary bad guys. I know I did when I was his age. The kiddo was not hurting anyone. In fact no one else was around to watch him except for this "Skrool" teacher. The liberals worry that pretend violence is going to turn this kid into a serial killer. Yeah right. Believe it or not third-grade boys can pretend to kill terrorists and still grow up to be normal well functioning citizens in society. Yet, there are idiots out there who believe that the teacher did the right thing no matter how absurd it may seem to the rest of us.

The scary thing is that more and more people are falling into this pattern of thinking. People always ask me what I think is wrong with the country the most. I always tell them that simply put, it is the lack of common sense among ordinary people. I see this increasingly among my peers in high school and in college. My mission is to restore conservative commonsense in my generation and preserve it for future generations. That's why I started my radio show five years ago and that's why I'm working with Caiden and other young Conservatives. If conservative common sense is not restored in this country, we will be doomed. We have to stay consistent, and we have to call the MSM out on their bull. We must speak without fear. I started my career as a political commentator when I turned 14. I am now a young adult getting ready for college. A lot has changed over the last few years for me. One thing has not changed: I am still an active conservative and NOTHING will EVER change this. I joined Caiden in asking you to stand with us. It's time for our generation to stand for we believe it. It's time for us to usher in the next generation of conservatives.

About Syed Faizan Ali

Faizan is a 17 year old young guy who is blessed with the art of Blogging,He love to Blog day in and day out,He is a Website Designer and a Certified Graphics Designer.


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